Каталог перевозчиков - Транспортный информационно-логистический Портал

Каталог перевозчиков

Overton services


Контактные телефоны: (99871) 2527373
(9971) 2523113
Электронная почта: Отправить сообщение
Адрес: 4B, Afrasiab str, Tashkent
Адрес сайта: www.overton.uz
Категории перевозок: Автомобильные перевозки , Железнодорожные перевозки , Авиа перевозки, Мультимодальные перевозки
Дополнительные услуги: страхование грузов
складирование и хранение грузов
охрана перевозимых грузов
перевозки с применением книжки МДП (ТИР корнетов)
экспедирование грузов
Специфика перевозок: перевозки в рефрижераторах
контейнерные перевозки
перевозки жидких и сыпучих грузов
перевозки нефти и нефтепродуктов
Регион: Tashkent
Город: Tashkent

Дополнительная информация о перевозчике:

OVERTON SERVICES LTD is a dynamic developing freight forwarding company which specializes with all type of freight hauling all over the world. Our company is the exclusive agent of “FESCO INTEGRATED TRANSPORT” in Uzbekistan. FIT is the largest container expeditor in the Russian Federation and CIS. In accordance with the resolution of the Department of Transport of the Russian Federation FIT was nominated as the official expeditor of transit and export-import transportations in containers belonging to the Trans-Siberian Railroad.

Our company has strong business relations with lots of expeditors and freight forwarding companies all over the world and is developing the most important directions namely intermodal transportations of the export transportations from Uzbekistan, Russia and other countries of CIS to Europe, countries of the Middle East, India, countries of Asian-Pacific region and the USA. This allows us to shorten transportation periods and minimize the amount of freight traffic activity.

The team of OVERTON SERVICES LTD consists of the qualified specialists who will find the individual approach for each Customer, will assist to overcome a language barrier, prepare all shipping documentation and arrange freight forwarding procedures on time. Our staff will consider and organize the optimal variant on transportation of your shipment from any point of the world,  taking into account all client’s demands in accordance with customs legislations of those countries who take part in international transportation. The customer can obtain the qualified consultation on any case concerned with international transportations and foreign-economic activity.

We have our own park of containers in Uzbekistan that enable to arrange operative container cartage to the Client’s premises.

rail transportation, road transportation, sea / marine transportation, air transportation, multimodal transportation, transportation to Afghanistan, release of empty containers  of any type 20’  40’  40 HC,
own terminals and warehouses in Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, professional information and the legal and logistical support.  

We hope for a beneficial cooperation with you.  

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