Каталог перевозчиков - Транспортный информационно-логистический Портал

Каталог перевозчиков

Miray Group


Контактные телефоны: +905302733841
Электронная почта: Отправить сообщение
Адрес: Kırtepe District 165th str Aba buildings n:4/2
Адрес сайта: www.miraygroup.com
Категории перевозок: Мультимодальные перевозки
Дополнительные услуги: разгрузка и погрузка
курьерские перевозки
складирование и хранение грузов
перевозки с применением книжки МДП (ТИР корнетов)
экспедирование грузов
Специфика перевозок: пассажирские перевозки
перевозки в рефрижераторах
перевозки жидких и сыпучих грузов
перевозки нефти и нефтепродуктов
Регион: Black Sea Region
Город: BArtin

Дополнительная информация о перевозчике:

Having 17 years of experience ,expertise and 7/24 professional shipping  service  has enabled Miray to become the leading shipping agency in the region. The staff consists of well-educated and highly experienced persons in their  own fields of whom five well-skilled in English and two in Russian  languages. We  are deeply proud of dealing with the leading holding and corporate companies  operating in the Black Sea region ,Baltic region and in Turkey.Our annual handling volume has reached up to 2 million  metric  tons /400 vessels  that therewithal empowers these leading  companies in any field.Thanks to its deep experience and skills in international trade Miray also has started to supply construction materials  and industrial equipmets on which has  long years of experience.
We are Miray Trade Co Ltd,part of Miray Group involved in bulk commodities and industrial equipments provider to its clients across the world.Offering both competitive freight rates and propore transshipments with ethical business implementations on quality & services. Our distinguished shipping department contributes a unique value for our customers by reducing the freight costs and prospective transfer  risks.
Being a relaible partner has been one of the key figures of our  reputation. We aim at timely pursuance of contracts and submittance of our commitments to the contentment of both manufacturers and importers. As a part of Miray Group we  Miray Trade are proud of our values and prove them through our direction in all business processes.

We recently have implemented the newest technologies in our business divisions for ,supply chain management,accounting and financial controls. In our business follows we implement the latest ICC rules(International Chamber of Commerce) for delivery terms (INCOTERMS latest version)and payment terms(UCP600) in order to provide a service pursuant to international standarts.

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