Carriers directory - Transport and Logistics Information Portal

Carriers directory

Sinocasgo group


Contact phone numbers: +998992775658
E-mail: Send message
Address: Мирабадский район,Афросиаб Dmaar plaza
Transportation categories: Road transport, Rail transport, Air transport, Multimodal transport
Additional services: freight insurance
warehousing and storage of freight
freight security
customs declaring
freight forwarding
Transportation specifics: freight traffic
transportations in refrigerators
container transportations
transportations of liquid and loose freight
Region: Ташкент
City: Ташкент, Мирабадский район

Additional information on carrier:

"Сборные и контейнерные грузоперевозки из Китая до городов центральной Азии различными видами транспорта:
ж.д,авто,авиа.Наши услуги:
-поиск в Китае надежных производителей,поставщиков
-оформление нужных сопроводительных документов и всех таможенных процедур
-точный просчет стоимости услуги международных перевозок
-слежение за грузами и принятие своевременных решений по их дальнейшему продвижению
-страхование груза от всех видов риска, фото и видеоотчеты на всех этапах транспортировки
-своевременная и безопасная доставка."                

"International transportation services, including consolidated and container cargo shipments from China to Central Asian cities using various modes of transportation, such as:
rail, road, and air.
-our services encompass locating reliable manufacturers and suppliers in China
-arranging all necessary accompanying documentation and customs procedures
-precise cost estimation for international shipping services, cargo tracking, and timely decision-making for their further advancement
-cargo insurance covering all types of risks, as well as providing photo and video reports at every stage of transportation
-our commitment is to ensure timely and secure delivery."  

Price-list on services: Download file (119KB)

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